Happy Monday! I hope everyone had an exciting and filling Super Bowl Weekend! I just wanted to make a quick post regarding one of my favorite indie skin care brands. This past weekend, I was browsing my Instagram feed and happened upon some exciting news by Stratia:
Stratia is an indie skin care brand founded by Alli Reed, also known as The Acid Queen. Her company is based out of Los Angeles and produces a number of high quality skin care products that are popular among members of the Asian beauty community. I’ve been using Stratia Gold for over a year and need to place an order for another bottle soon. I’m also planning to try the Soft Touch AHA as a possible alternative to the Face Reality Mandelic Acid Serum in my current skin care routine.
You can read full reviews for the two Stratia products I’ve tried here:
Product Review: Stratia Liquid Gold
Product Review: Stratia Rewind
I’m incredibly happy for Alli and Stratia for not only doing well, but moving on up in the world. While I live nowhere near New York, I hope this is the first step toward national distribution of her skin care line. If you haven’t tried anything from Stratia, I highly recommended checking our their website and supporting this brand!